The NautilusFM example file is no longer being given away.  The idea was to release it under an Open Source License so that anybody in the community, especially beginners and intermediate developers, could take it, use it and learn from it.  Even though more than 270 developers from 42 countries have downloaded it, there is no indication that has happened, and we supect that hardly any of those developers have even bothered to take a look at it. so now we are changing our modus operandi.

We are now using it to develop a range of vertical market solutions since it is incredibly fast to do so.  If you’re interested in doing that, or have a need for a solution  for your bussiness, or other businesses, please fill in this form, and we will get in touch with you.

Completely optional but useful to have
If you enter a phone number, you are giving permission for us to call you. We won't use it very often, but it's nice to be able to reach out in certain circumstances. (Most contacts will be done by email)
We'll only use this to acknowledge your request and to send out new notifications as changes are made to the NautilusFM framework or web site. (A number of email addresses have bounced so please make sure that mail can get through to you at this address).
Completely optional but we love comments! If you don't receive an email from us, the likelihood is that we are having problems getting them through. Please give me a call at (303) 856 5778 if you haven't heard back within a few hours.
How you see yourself using the NautilusFM Example file?
Dveloping vertical market solutions is our focus for several reasons. Firstly we've done it twice before with considerable success, and, secondly, NautilusFM allows for extremely rapid development of such solutions, using the Example file as a starting point or by modifying a previously developed solution.
If you're a beginner or intermediate developer, the chances are that you sometimes struggle with certain areas within the FileMaker environment; those might be scripting, relationships, calculations or any number of different things. Knowing what those areas are will help us point you to tips, tricks, etc that you may well find very useful.