Far too many business operate in a state of inefficiency, spending way too much time doing the same thing over and over again. Many of them use spreadsheets, thinking that is the best way to manage their business because they have no concept of what can be done. Every repetitive task can, and should be, automated. Why do things manually when the computer can do them for you, automatically, and in a fraction of the time?
A properly designed system, such as this one, will make the business more efficient and allow owners and staff to focus on growing the business, instead of just administering it.
Make a business more efficient and it will be more profitable; this is a universal law.

Make bookings in seconds and let GolfGuru do all the work.
is a solution that has been developed for companies booking golf courses and/or managing golf societies. Effortlessly keep track of hundreds of courses, thousands of players and unlimited events. STOP wasting your time, and forget manual processes for ever.
This screen is where you set up all the courses that you are offering, entering the pricing for different dates, and also twilight. You can store as many courses as needed.
The Rates screen shows a complete listing of rates and dates. Once a date has passed, those records can be set to be automatically deleted, or can be stored for ever.
To switch to a different course, press the Find Course button and the search panel will appear on the left of the screen.
Locate the course you want and click on it. This will close the search window and load the correct record.
On the Players screen, you keep track of all the players that have registered with you. You can see which societies they belong to, what courses they’ve played and any bookings they have made.
On the Bookings screen, you can see all the bookings for a group, enter tee times, and generate vouchers for both the courses and the players. THhese documents are all sent out automatically via email along with invoices, and other accompanying documents, i.e., directions to the course.
If the group has multiple reservations for the same course on different dates, you can easily delete one without affecting the others.
For a society event, or a large group, the program automatically creates the required # of tee times, and keeps track of everybody who has registered, along with their handicaps. When the time comes, the program automatically creates pairings based on the selection made.
COVID-19 has caused a proliferation of new rules for players. Simply enter all rules on this screen and then select ones that apply for each course. These rules will be included in any documentation sent to the players.
Vouchers, confirmations and lodging lists are all generated automatically and sent out via email, without any need for it to be done manually.
Searching for a record
Selecting one of the options will filter the list down to just those that match the selection, or you can select ALL. As soon as you start typing in the search panel at the top, the list will reduce to show you only those records that match what you have typed. Additionally matches are shown in red text.
As soon as you see the one you want, click on it to load it.